Simon Huggill standing for the Town Council by election
Simon Huggill has been selected by Darwen Liberal Democrats to fight one of the two seats at the by-election for Darwen Town Council on 4 May.
Simon Huggill has been selected by Darwen Liberal Democrats to fight one of the two seats at the by-election for Darwen Town Council on 4 May.
Long standing Liberal Democrat Councillor Paul Browne has decided to come out of retirement to continue his battle the Labour controlled council to get a better deal for Darwen. Paul said that having retired after more than 40 years on the borough council he was missing the fray. He has been selected to fight the Marsh House Ward by-election by Darwen Liberal Democrats. Paul explained," There is still much more I want to achieve for Darwen and I can't wait to get stuck in once again."
There will be a by-election in Marsh House Ward, Darwen on Thursday 4 May following the death of Borough and Town Councillor John Roberts and the resignation of Town Counciloor Paul O'Garr.
Plans to build 22 houses in the grounds of Ellerslie, off Bury Fold Lane in Darwen are set to go before the Planning Committee on 28 July 2016. Despite objections from local residents and local councillors it is being recommended for approval by the council's planning officers.
Despite the fact that Labour controlled Blackburn with Darwen Council have decided to demolish Darwen's 3 day market, they face a final hurdle.
A meeting of Blackburn with Darwen's Call-In Committee last night rejected calls for a rethink on the demolition of Darwen's 3 day market. The Liberal Democrats and Conservatives jointly called the decision in, but all the Labour Councillors on the committee voted against the move.