Landlord Licensing Scheme has teeth
Four landlords have been fined almost £20,000 as part of new measures aimed at improving privately rented accommodation.
Four landlords have been fined almost £20,000 as part of new measures aimed at improving privately rented accommodation.
At last night's Council Meeting Liberal Democrats were chosen for the following positions:
Cllr. Karimeh Foster, Liberal Democrat Councillor for the Whitehall Ward in Darwen was chosen at last night's Council Meeting to be the new Deputy Mayor for 20010/11. She will deputise for the new Mayor, Councillor Sheila Williams.
The full agreement between the Liberal Democrats and the Conservatives has now been published. It forms the basis for the coalition's programme in government for the next five years. You can read the document in full at http://tinyurl.com/2u5qetu
"Today I have given my first set-piece speech as Deputy Prime Minister - you can read the full speech below. I'm proud that this speech was on a topic which I know is close to every Liberal Democrat heart, political reform.
Blackburn's community festival, 'Celebrate Blackburn' is back, this year even bigger and better. In fact the theme for this year's Celebrate is all BIG! Celebrate Blackburn's BIG festival is set to take place for two months starting July 1 and will feature a host of larger than life music, arts, food, cultural, fun and sporting events all dedicated to showcasing the best of Blackburn. The showpiece of the celebration will be Blackburn's BIG weekend on Saturday and Sunday, July 24 and 25.