Landlord Licensing Scheme has teeth

Four landlords have been fined almost £20,000 as part of new measures aimed at improving privately rented accommodation.
The prosecutions were brought as part of the selective licensing schemes run by Blackburn with Darwen Council.
The scheme gives local authorities the power to require all privately rented properties in a designated area to be licenced.
Infirmary and Central Darwen have been chosen as the first areas because they are areas where housing markets are fragile and need extra support as part of wider regeneration initiatives to improve confidence and stabilise the community;
Selective licensing means that private landlords who have properties in the two selected areas are required by law to apply for a landlord licence. In order to be granted a licence, they need to show they are "fit and proper" people and demonstrate they have suitable management arrangements including dealing with anti social tenants.
The cases were brought before Blackburn Magistrates Court last Friday.
In the Darwen selective licensing area, one landlord, who has four properties in Newton Street, was fined £10,000.
He was found guilty of not applying for a licence, for not complying with a n Environmental Protection Act notice - the boiler in the property was not connected to electricity so there was no hot water supply and for failing to notify the Council who owned the property. Ashcroft was also ordered to pay costs to the council and £15 towards a fund for victims of crime.
Three landlords in the Infirmary Selective Licensing area were also fined.
One, who owns a property in Longshaw Lane, another landlord of a property in Dyson Street, were both fined £2,000 for not have a property licence, £352 costs and £15 towards fund for victim of crime.
A further landlord, who has two properties in Rockcliffe St, was also fined £4,000 for not having two property licences, £352.66 costs and the £15 victim surcharge.
Councillor Simon Huggill, executive member for housing, said: "We want to work with landlords and local communities to improve the quality of life for residents. We want landlords to take their responsibilities seriously and take a more responsible role towards the management of their properties."