Rossendale & Darwen Lib Dem PPC adds voice to Christie Campaign!

Rossendale and Darwen's Parliamentary candidate Dale Mulgrew has given his backing to the campaign to get Christie Hospital in Manchester its £6.500,000 back. The petition which now has over 6000 signatures and calls for the Financial Services Compensation (FSCS) to reverse its decision to refuse to refund Christie the money lost when Kaupthing Singer and Friedlander (KSF) bank collapsed in Iceland .
Dale Mulgrew said, "I am pleased to give this growing campaign my full support. I am hoping by sheer public pressure, the Prime Minister Gordon Brown will intervene and give this crucial hospital and outstanding regional centre of clinical excellence its much needed money back."
"If the FSCS cannot give this money back then what is the point of it? The Government can give money to bail out the banks so why can they not give compensation to our world famous cancer hospital?"
"I know hundreds of local people who have benefited from this hospital and indeed many people who would not be here without the specialist help they offer. The money was given to help the fight against cancer - it should be used for that!"