Paul English went "head to head" for the first time with the Conservative and Labour General Election Candidates at Blackburn Cathedral.


It was standing room only as two debates were held, one in the afternoon and the other in the evening. The theme of the debate was "Can We Trust Our Politicians?", which was followed by a question and answer session from the audience.
Paul gave a very strong performance which rattled his political rivals and was swamped after the event by wellwishers as he [posed for photographs with them and signed autographs.
Since the debate he has received the following comments on his Facebook site
"I hadn't met or seen Mr English before the event as I had done with both Jack Straw and Michael Law Riding and I have to say of the three, Mr English impressed me the most. Maybe the Clegg effect can come to Blackburn"
"I thought you were excellent in the one i attended in the morning, you were the only one to actually answer the question posed at the start of the event and more than held your own throughout without going off topic or waffling. Bodes well for the election"