Over £500,000 come to Blackburn and Darwen from the Lottery
Over the last nine months Blackburn and Darwen has received over £580,000 from the Big Lottery Fund. Grants include:
£335,000 to Community & Business Partners CIC. This project provides opportunities for young people in Blackburn to learn creative skills through using recyclable waste materials as a source of play and learning. Local companies will be encouraged to donate surplus materials which would otherwise end up in landfills, including surplus production, cancelled lines, returns, giveaways, redundant raw materials and so on. These materials are then provided to nurseries, schools, faith groups, community organisations and voluntary groups.
£98,000 to the Pre-School Learning Alliance. This project aims to increase community cohesion and inclusion in the deprived wards of Wensley Fold, Beardwood with Lammack and Corporation Park in the Blackburn and Darwen area. The scheme will engage with hard-to-reach families in the area at most risk of isolation, developing a comprehensive range of training courses and forums; promoting the activities, facilities and further training opportunities within the community. The project will seek to increase parents and carers literacy and numeracy levels.
£10,000 to each of the following: St. Barnabas & St Paul School; Youth Action; St. Wilfrid's School; Lammack Primary School; Cedars Infants School; Enterprise in Action; Friends of Darwen Cemetery.
For more details see