New Liberal Democrat Leader announced

Blackburn with Darwen Liberal Democrats elected Cllr. David Foster as their new Group Leader for 2006/7. Cllr. Foster paid tribute to Cllr. Paul Browne who had been Leader for over 20 years and commented on how the Party had grown from 2 seats to 13 under his leadership.
Cllr Foster said, "This is an exciting time for our Party, we have almost replaced the Tories as the official opposition and we expect to be in a position of power in 12 months time." He said that the Liberal Democrats would be providing strong opposition to the Labour, but would not oppose just for the sake of it.
Other positions decided were:
Deputy Leader - Cllr Kevin Connor
Adult Social Care - Cllr Karimeh Foster
Children's Services - Cllr Chris Thayne
Citizen's & Consumer Rights - Cllr Alan Dean
Housing & Neighbourhood Services - Cllr Fred Gollop
Leisure & Culture - Cllr Salim Lorgat
Regeneration - Cllr. Roy Davies
Resources - Cllr Kevin Connor
Planning & Highways - Cllr. Paul Browne
Licensing - Cllr Alan Dean
Standards - Cllr Karimeh Foster