Following the news that Tory Cllr Stuart Pawson has tendered his resignation, the Rossendale LibDems have welcomed this announcement as a sensible outcome to what was an increasingly disturbing trend of absenteeism by this elected member.
Group leader of the LibDems - Catherine Pilling said, 'This is the only sensible resolution to what was an ongoing non-appearance of Cllr Stuart Pawson. Clearly if the Press were struggling to get hold of him over the last week or so, how could a constituent be expected to get in contact with him?'
'We have no problem with Cllr Pawson seeking to live out of the country, our issue was that he continued to hold office when clearly there was no intention from him to fulfill his duties. We felt this was an insult to the people who elected him. But we acknowledge this as positive move by him, so that a replacement will be elected to represent the people of Helmshore in the way they deserve.'
LibDem Parliamentary Candidate Dale Mulgrew added, 'I think unfortunately it did appear that Cllr Pawson was having a few too many Sangria's on the good folk of Rossendale!'
'I welcome this as the right decision to have been made by the ruling group as this developing charade was just once more fuelling public resentment at politicians being in it only for themselves. It also was damaging the reputation of many of Rossendale's good councillors who really go into the job for the right reasons.'
'This is an honourable announcement for Cllr Pawson now to leave his role and let us move forward and close a chapter on this unfortunate episode.'