Fish for the Future - Lib Dem MEP leads action for change

North West Liberal Democrat European MP Chris Davies is setting up a group of European MPs to push for change to the regulations governing fishing in the European Union. The majority of our fishing grounds are not sustainable and unless action is taken fishing stocks could be severely decimated in the future.
This is what Chris had to say:
"I've taken the lead in setting up a cross-party campaign group of MEPs who want to support ambitious reform of the Common Fisheries Policy. The aim of 'Fish for the Future' will be to press for the introduction of a sustainable approach that can put more fish in the seas and provide secure jobs for fishermen.
We've had a first meeting of 21 MEPs and a dozen parliamentary assistants representing other members. We've put together a 'bureau' of officeholders representing the spectrum of major political groups, with an Austrian MEP, Richard Seeber, from the right of centre PPE as our President (it's important to have a leader from the largest and most influential political group). And, subject to some final drafting changes, we've adopted a statement of the group's object and principles (below). There are still a couple of gaps to be filled, and the group's composition is too biased towards northern Europeans, but we can work on this over the next few months. I have taken on the role of secretary/organiser.
Across Europe there are examples of good practice to be found but the major problems are all too clear with 80% of fisheries being fished unsustainably and too many boats chasing too few fish. Stocks are low, and we are importing more than 60% of the fish we eat - too often taking nutrition from people in developing nations along the coast of Africa. Yet every day thousands of tonnes of fish are thrown back into the sea because they are not commercially valuable or because landing quotas have been exceeded.
On top of this there is a failure by governments to enforce the rules properly, and there is a great deal of illegal and unregulated fishing taking place.
It needn't be like this. Europe's seas are capable of supporting fish in much larger numbers than currently exist. If we make the right decisions we could restore the diversity of life in our seas and catch many more fish on an entirely sustainable basis. "