Darwen Town Council - Whitehall Ward Candidates

Here are details of our two candidates - John East and Steve Duncan. Voting is on Thursday 4 June.

John East - He has worked at a variety of newspaper titles as a Newspaper In Education Manager, supporting schools in the NW of England. John has lived in Darwen for most of he life. He is a Lay preacher within the Darwen Churches Partnership and is Hon. Secretary of Blackburn YMCA . John has been a Scout for over 50 yrs and a leader for over 40. John said,"We need to bring back pride, loyalty and that feel good factor that makes living in a community worthwhile. I am proud to live a an area which has pride in itself and hope to develop projects and programmes that will increase the "community spirit" not just in the Whitehall Ward in within the Darwen."

Steve Duncan - Steve Duncan has lived in Whitehall for 21 years, his 4 children attended Ashleigh School where he has been a Governor. He was Marketing Director at Crown Paints and now runs his own locksmith business. He was Chairman of Newrad fisheries that have helped transform Watery Lane lodges and Chair of Lodgeside Trust which developed the play area off Watery Lane.

Whitehall Blackburn with Darwen Borough Councillors, David & Karimeh Foster are backing John East and Steve Duncan
"We are pleased Steve and John are standing if you elect them we will form a strong team to fight for the interests of Darwen and Whitehall on both Blackburn with Darwen Council and the new Town (Parish) Council. We know they will put your interests first and have already shown their commitment to Darwen."