BNP make mockery of Darwen Town Council elections

Liberal Democrats have attacked the BNP for making a mockery of the Darwen Town Council elections. They are fielding 8 candidates in the forthcoming Darwen Town Council elections and 6 out of the 8 live in Blackburn.
Local Leader of the Liberal Democrats, Cllr David Foster said, "This shows that the BNP have no real interest in Darwen. They just want to use this election for their own ends. People in Darwen are not stupid and they will see through them. Darreners want to be represented by people who actually live in Darwen. I am pleased that they have so little support in Darwen that they could only find 2 people who live in Darwen to stand as candidates."
Rossendale and Darwen Parliamentary Spokesman, Dale Mulgrew, added, "'This shows that the BNP have clearly missed the point entirely of having a Darwen Town Council. Once more they are masquerading as a credible party, but when you peel away the layers it quickly unravels that what lies behind the facade are motives which simply are not for the benefit of the people of Darwen.'
'I urge people to choose candidates who have Darwen's best interests at heart, and who will represent Darwen because they belong to the communities they hope to serve.'