Blackburn gets share of Reaching Out to Carers Innovation Fund
Youth Action in Blackburn has been awarded £11,323 from this new fund to help with a Young BME Carers Network.
The Government is keen to improve the early identification of carers so that they can be offered support in considering their various options and make informed choices about their lives. To this end, the Department of Health has launched the Reaching Out to Carers Innovation Fund, a scheme specifically targeted at voluntary sector organisations in England who, in addition to their primary work with individuals with particular conditions, illnesses or from particular age groups or communities, are also keen to support carers.
79 projects will be funded at a total value of £1.35m. These projects will:
- reach out to carers, particularly focussing on early contact with those who are taking on a caring role for the first time, through different settings, for example hospitals, GP surgeries, the workplace, supermarkets, places of worship and other community settings, and help them identify themselves as carers;
- support carers by building on existing work and networks to support people with specific conditions;
- provide carers with key information and practical advice about how to care effectively and safely for people with specific conditions;
- support carers to live a life of their own alongside their caring responsibilities;
- signpost carers to expert sources of generic information, advice, advocacy and support on caring including advice on flexible working, replacement care, housing adaptations and assistive technologies; and
- support carers of all ages including young and older carers, and carers from BME communities.