Big boost for apprenticeships

The programme to transform our secondary schools over the next few years is creating lots of job opportunities for local people. Liberal Democrat Cllr Chris Thayne, who as Executive Member for Children's Services has played a major part in this process, has emphasised the importance of providing jobs for local people during the construction phase. The scheme provides the opportunity for apprenticeships to be created.
Hundreds of young people could benefit from these apprenticeships and give them a crucial first step into growing and established job areas, and build up local skills for the future.
The apprenticeships will be delivered within the Building Schools for the Future (BSF) programme and have been developed by Balfour Beatty Education, the company which is building the state-of-the-art schools which will transform education and community facilities in the borough.
The apprenticeships were announced at a glittering launch at Bolton Town Hall, to celebrate the BSF partnership between Blackburn with Darwen and Bolton Councils and Balfour Beatty.
Apprenticeship opportunities will be created in a range of sectors, including agriculture and horticulture; arts, media and publishing; business, administration and law; construction, planning and the built environment; engineering and manufacturing technologies; and information and communication technology.
Chris Thayne, Blackburn with Darwen Council's executive member for children's services, said at the event: "We all have a shared vision in this partnership. There will be a transformation and the apprenticeship scheme will be one practical element of that transformation.
"Together we can access the elements of community wellbeing, and these elements are education, economy, inclusion and aspiration. We are bringing communities and people together and that promise is starting now."
"At this present time, education, training and employment is so important for the development of young people in this area These new apprenticeships through the Balfour Beatty supply chain will offer the working and learning opportunities young people across Blackburn with Darwen need and as such they will form an extremely important part of what the BSF programme can deliver"
The new apprenticeship model will be rolled out to other Balfour Beatty projects throughout 2010 and will be in addition to existing opportunities and initiatives offered by Balfour Beatty. The apprenticeships will be delivered in partnership with the North West Apprenticeship Company.
Mark Howden, head of regeneration at Balfour Beatty Education, said at the event: "There will be a long-term skills legacy in the local area through these apprenticeships and real investment and planning into the future of a modern workforce.
"These schools will be made with modern materials and using modern methods, so we need to make sure we are offering modern apprenticeships."
And Andrew McNaughton, chief operating officer for Balfour Beatty, added: "Working within this BSF partnership in Blackburn with Darwen and Bolton, we will leave behind a real skills legacy as significant as the buildings themselves."