£2.7 million pounds to help our local schools
The Coalition Government have announced the amount of money they are giving to schoold to help our most disadvantaged pupils. The Pupil Premium which is a Liberal Democrat initiative was initially going to be £450 per pupils it has been increased to £488 per pupil on free school meals. This money will be used by schools to help improve the educational opportunities of our young people.
Lib Dem Minister of State for Education, Sarah Teather MP has revealed that Blackburn with Darwen Schools will receive £2.7 million this year.
Here are some examples of the extra funding available
Darwen Vale High School £122,488
Witton Park High School £150,304
Pleckgate High School £144,204
Holy Trinity Primary £ 55,144
Shadsworth Infants £ 50,264
Shadsworth Junior £ 51,728
You can see what your school gets here http://www.education.gov.uk/schools/adminandfinance/financialmanagement/schoolsrevenuefunding/settlement2012pupilpremium/a0075963/pupil-premium-2011-12
Commenting on the news local Liberal Democrat Leader Cllr. David Foster said, "Despite the tough economic times this shows that the Liberal Democrats in government are making a determined effort to support our most vulnerable pupils and have confidence in our schools to allow them to use the money in the best way they think fit."